lately i've been browsing around the web, perusing around several webrings until a really specific but catastrophic issue came up on NUMEROUS websites i came across.

a lot of them really like to use iframes for their webrings. A Lot. Like way too fucking many a lot.

Now, don't get me wrong, iframes can be a really powerful tool that can enable a lot of really good layouts! Look at mine for example, it's practically 90% iframe. Many websites I keep tabs on also use iframes in pretty creative ways. The real issue comes around when people just get kinda lazy and slap a webring into a separate html doc and slap that onto an iframe. 50% of the time it looks sloppy, and even MORE of the time it actively detracts from the webring surfing experience, causing the webring's link to redirect into the iframe instead of making a new tab or overriding the current tab the site's on.

That's to no fault of the iframe, they were meant to do this, whether for security or otherwise. I think, and I hate to make assumptions here, it's just easier to slap things onto an iframe than to deal with the absolute hell that is working with flexboxes. Fuck, I even tried doing that by slapping my webring box into the main content box initially, to no avail.

I hate to even rant about this type of thing, it's something really minor that just gets on my nerves sometimes. Most of the time, the people even doing this are usually just first time coders that really dont have as much experience under their belt dealing with CSS (like I'm any better, LMAO.) I suppose you can just take this as a little bit of a PSA when working with links within iframes or whatever.

There wasn't any real structure to this post, i just kinda wanted to dump my thoughts out onto np++ while procrastinating on my college work. I guess if there's any moral to be taken from this article, it's to use iframes with purpose. at least try to make them work as well as possible -- and please, try to keep webrings on your main page, or at least on your index. I beg you.

cypress, out.

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